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We are committed to making your experience with our services, safe, enjoyable and convenient for you through the whole process, i.e during surgery, recovery and return home.

Step by step of your

surgery process and travel


Nowadays, medical tourism is becoming more frequent and is now a reality. It does not take more than an online search to find a Specialist, in this case a Plastic Surgeon from a different Country for you to be able to access a cosmetic surgery. It is advisable to follow the recommendations from one of the most important societies of aesthetic plastic surgeons in the world: ISAPS – International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) Website:

Step 1. Choice of Plastic Surgeon: Doctor Federico Ramírez Zuluaga is a Member of the Colombian Society of Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (SCCP), the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), an American entity with the highest standards and education quality. He is also member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS). To become a member of ISAPS, each Doctor has been extensively evaluated in his résumé and career by the respective ISAPS committee and is also duly certified by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Ministry of Education of the Government of Colombia.

Ministerio de salud
Secretaría seccional de Salud y Protección Social de Antioquia
Ministerio de educación
Sociedad Colombiana de Cirugía Plástica
American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Step 2: Once you contact us via email, phone, WhatsApp or social networks, Dr. Ramírez will ask you about specific details of your chosen procedure, pictures of the area of interest before the appointment and information from your medical history.

Step 3: After the pictures are received, we can schedule a phone appointment or video call. Dr. Ramírez will personally contact you by email or phone call in order to answer your questions, discuss treatment options, opinions of treatment areas and provide you with an estimated and personalized quote for the procedure. Please remember, this approach does not equals a physical consultation where all the technical aspects regarding surgery are defined.

Step 4: When you approve our quote and confirm your interest in performing this procedure, we will ask you to send us your medical history and take some blood tests in order to assess whether you are medically fit for surgery. It is advisable to do them in your country of origin at least 1 or 2 weeks before surgery, because in case of detecting any inconclusive or incorrect result, you have enough time to perfom a second one, this can be done by an order given by your trusted doctor or Dr. Ramírez will send you an order via email. The required results are needed to be scanned and sent to us. You can also get your tests in Medellín a few days before your medical procedure, however, we suggest that they should be taken in your place of origin so we can validate that you are a suitable patient for the procedure and to not incur in prolonging your stay and unforeseen costs.

Step 5: After Dr. Ramírez's appointment, you will have the opportunity to check with our assistant the surgical plans, schedule details, accommodation and a private duty nurse, only if it's necessary.

Step 6: The Doctor will analyze the medical documentation and will or not approve the procedure.

Step 7: You must inform us about your accommodation preference, travel itinerary and travel dates. We will proceed to confirm the date of your first appointment and surgery. We recommend you to arrive in our country from 48 to 72 hours before surgery to reduce the risk of formation of blood clots in your legs after long trips. This also helps to get to know the city better and its surroundings, fill out and sign documents, attend an appointment with Dr. Ramírez and the surgical team. 

We suggest a stay of no less than 10 days from the day of arrival in Colombia. This can change depending on the type of surgery. We will advise you on the timing of the recovery process.

Dr. Ramírez recommends the following minimum length of stay per procedure. Remember that each requirement may change based on age and general health.



Face lift
Breast augmentation
Liposuction, Lipoinjection
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
Facial Filler 

14 to 21 days

10 days

10 days

14 days

 7 days

Same day, travel is allowed in most cases.

It is a good idea to travel with a companion who can help you in your recovery process and accompany you during your stay. But if this is not possible, we offer private nurse service for certain surgical procedures. Our team of certified nurses will provide excellent postoperative care and, if necessary, we will provide a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) service for postoperative pain control. Do not hesitate to ask for these services to our assistant.


Nurse fees vary and you will be responsible for the payment. If you would like to have the nurses service, please inform us in our office.

Step 8: While you are still in your place of origin, the payment form, insurance management and legal details between both parties will be clarified.

Step 9: Pick up at the airport and transfer to your hotel.

Step 10: First appointment with Dr. Ramírez and his medical staff.

Step 11: Surgery.

Step 12: Recovery process. During the first day after surgery one, of our nurses will visit you at your hotel/ apartment and assist you with the care of bandages, bathing and any other medical needs that you require. They will report the progress to our medical staff.

Step 13: The next appointments after surgery will be held in our medical office according to your recovering process.

Step 14: If you have chosen a tourist plan to enjoy Colombia after your recovery, we will offer you different options through our partner travel agency.

Step 15: End of the medical process, you can return to your place of origin where we will be keeping in touch via online. Our staff will give you the confirmation of the end of the medical process and will give you instructions to follow in your home city. In case additional medical consultations are required, they will be made via video call or email.

Required pictures for medical consultation

It is suggested to ask for help to take these photos.

Send to:


Facial pictures should include front and side views, as well as a close view of the eyes. The entire head should be visible to the base of the neck. Don't smile in the photos. Photos must be clear (not blurry).


Abdominal pictures should include front and side views of the entire abdomen from the bottom of the breasts to the upper thighs. If possible, also include a view with your hands and arms stretched up.


Breast pictures should include a front view and an oblique view (45 degrees from the front) on each side. Ideally, each view should go from the lower neck, with full shoulders, to the belly button.


Liposuction pictures should extend from the lower part of the breasts to the knees and include front and rear views, and side views if possible.

Captura de pantalla (74).png

Postsurgery care

and recovery

It is our priority to provide you with a quick and effective recovery.

We have a staff with highly trained nurses and therapists in recovery processes who will assist you with any medical requirement.

While you are in the city you will have direct contact with our medical staff via phone calls, where they will answer any questions or eventualities. Please check the information provided within this website in the procedures section, you can find more information on your interest where you may clarify any questions regarding the subject. Also our staff will give you a brochure with all recommendations for your surgery.

Payments and Inssurance

We accept payments from the following credit cards:




The patient must present a valid international credit card, owned by him/her within the expiration period, issued by a bank and that has a sufficient credit limit for the authorization of payment of operating room rights and medical fees. In addition, to being authorized by the bank to withdraw large amounts in Colombia. Third-party credit cards, cards not linked to banks or not authorized to carry out international operations will not be accepted. Advance payment of any type of procedure will not exempt the patient from paying other possible fees not included in the procedure, for example: insurance policy, body or facial recovery treatment, low and high compression bandages, special services, medications, etc.

Due to financial policy, the total amount of the surgical procedure must be paid in 24 hours in advance, either by electronic transfer, cash or credit card to cover the scheduling rights, otherwise the procedure will have to be canceled and it must be rescheduled, causing delays in recovery periods and scheduled return dates the were originally planned. 

Remember: Before traveling, contact your bank, indicating travel dates, destination and possible amount to withdraw, this makes the approval of your payments much easier.

  • Complications Coverage Policy:

Dr Ramírez dedicates a large part of his work to reduce any risk and complications, however, in the field of Medicine, as it is not an Exact Science and depending of circumstances, it always carries minimal risks that must be considered. This is why each patient who undergoes a surgical procedure will have insurance coverage for medical or surgical expenses that may arise from a complication.

  • Health Insurance:

Most plastic surgeries are not subject to being covered by international insurance, with the exception of reconstructive surgeries.

If your procedure is surgical or non-surgical of aesthetic nature, it will not be covered by any type of insurance.

You must have International Medical insurance for coverage of diseases or injuries not related to your Cosmetic Surgery.

Other Services

Please tell us if you will require any of the following additional services to give you more information about them:

  • Accompanying translator during medical appointments

  • Assistance with your visa

  • Additional medications

  • Additional tourist tours

© 2020  Federico Ramírez MD

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