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It is a surgery that seeks to remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the periorbital region (around the eye area), often associated with chronic fatigue, genetics and aging. This procedure will give a tense and youthful-looking skin. In some cases Blepharoplasty is combined with the Lipografts procedure to address the tear trough deformity; it can also be done by Canthopexy and canthoplasty, depending on the patient's case. The procedure has a span between 2 to 3 hours and it is usually done under general anesthesia. This requires an initial time of recovery from seven to ten days.



These procedures are sometimes associated with Blepharoplasty. People with signs of Floppy Eyelid Syndrome (FES), tear trough deformity, bad placement due to previous surgeries and genetics or aging around the eyes means their lower eyelids are held tight to the outermost part of the orbit. This procedure also can fix complications that were usually found on eyelid surgeries, Ectropion, rounded eye shape and more.



This surgery seeks to improve the nose shape and appearance without compromising the process of breathing. It starts with a facial analysis and a facial profilometry to establish the best angles and nose lines that defines the nasal aesthetic outline according to the face shape of each patient. This procedure has a duration of 3 hours and it is done under general anesthesia. In most cases it is associated with Septoplasty and Turbinoplasty. It is required a period of 10 to 14 days for the initial recovery.



Some people have an nasal airway obstruction which creates discomfort, snoring and a runny nose. This procedure starts with a physical exam and a tomography. The procedure is needed when the patient wants to fix nasal septum deviations (Septoplasty) and Turbinate Hypertrophy (Turbinoplasty). When this is combined with a Rhinoplasty the patient will feel more satisfied because besides improving the appearance if the nose, it will allow for a better breathing. It is done with general anesthesia and has a duration of 3 to 4 hours. The initial recovery period is 2 weeks.



This technique is performed to correct the wrinkles between the eyebrows and forehead, it also improves the eyebrows position and the lateral cutaneous orbital region (crow's feet). This procedure requires an incision in the scalp through which the surgeon uses a series of sutures that lifts the tissues. It lasts 2 hours and is done under general anesthesia. Requires an initial recovery period of 1 week.


It consists of the stretching and tensioning of the neck tissues which, due to aging and weight loss, there may be an excess skin in neck and chin area. The incisions are located behind the ears and under the chin. This procedure is usually combined with Rhytidoplasty and Frontoplasty (face and forehead surgery) to obtain a more complete treatment. This surgery lasts from 2 to 3 hours and is done under general anesthesia. It usually take 2 weeks for the initial recovery.



It is a surgery that aims at stretching the face and cheeks tissues. Usually associated with Cervicoplasty and Blepharoplasty, the incisions are located around the ears. This corrects the laxity and wrinkles in the cheeks, mouth and neck. This surgery lasts from 4 to 6 hours, usually done under general anesthesia. It takes 2 to 3 weeks for initial recovery.



It is a procedure in which the buccal fat pads (also called Bichat's fat pads) are removed. These are fat deposits found in the cheeks. After its removal this will make the face thinner, accentuating the cheekbones, making it more angular and defined. It can be done under local anesthesia and lasts 1 hour. In just a few days there is a recovery from postoperative discomfort.



It is a minimally invasive procedure designed to lift the cheek and mid face region using suture anchors which are attached to the temporal lobe. For some people this type of rejuvenation is attractive because it provides rounder cheekbones and a more youthful appearance. This last from 2 to 3 hours, with general anesthesia and requires a recovery period of approximately 1 week.



Also known a chin augmentation, is a way to surgically correct the chin shape and create a more pleasing aesthetic result through partial cuts in the bone (Osteotomies) or with the use of implants. A clinical and photographic facial study is performed in addition to profilometry prior to the surgery. This procedure lasts approximately 2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Requires a period of 1 week for initial recovery.


Alterations in the shape and size of the ears are relatively the most frequent causes of consultation with the specialist. The reshaping of the pinna or outer ear is called Otoplasy and can be done from 6 years of age. Prominent ears can be bothersome for children, who may be subject to bullying. It lasts 2 hours, and requires a recovery of 2 weeks initially. In children it is done under general anesthesia and in adults and / or adolescents it could be done under local anesthesia.



Double chin removal through 1 or 2 tiny incisions, concealed beneath the chin or behind the ears, the surgeon insert a small liposuction cannula, removing excess fat and sculpting a natural contour to the chin and neck, achieving a better defined and more graceful neckline. A compression girdle should be used at night for 6 weeks. The procedure lasts 1 hour and can be done under local anesthesia or general anesthesia.



There are different situations in which there is a deficiency in the face perspectives on the upper third (forehead), middle third (orbits and cheekbones) and the lower third (chin, mandibular angles) that can be compensated by inserting silicone prosthesis or porous polypropylene. A profilometric and photographic analysis is done prior surgery to define the implant's size and shape. It lasts 1 to 3 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Requires an initial recovery of 1 week.


Facial Procedures

© 2020  Federico Ramírez MD

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