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One of the most requested surgeries in the world. The fat located under the skin is removed, using small diameter cannulas. Currently, there are different kinds of equipments such as JPlasma, Ultrasound and Laser. It is done under general anesthesia, and requires an initial recovery period of 1 - 2 weeks, a compression girdle should be used for 6 - 8 weeks. There is no scientific evidence that proves postoperative massages will improve the normal surgery recovery process.


Performed by extracting fat from the patient's body through liposuction and then injected into the buttocks. It is a procedure that has evolved over time, becoming safer when it's done by expert hands who has proper knowledge of the anatomy in the area to avoid complications. Gluteal fat can range from approximately 40% to 70% and it depends largely of the patient's metabolism type. This surgery always goes hand in hand with body liposuction. It is done under general anesthesia and requires a recovery period of approximately 1-2 weeks.



Post pregnancy and weight loss causes loose skin around the belly area. This surgery flattens the abdomen by removing extra fat and skin and tightening muscles in the abdominal wall and a new belly button is made (umbilicoplasty) leaving the scar as hidden as possible in the lowest pelvic area. The procedure lasts 4 hours, is done under general anesthesia and requires 2 weeks for initial recovery.



As a result of weight loss, diet or bariatric surgery, excess skin may appear on the chest and abdomen area which can sometimes be removed only by Thorsoplasty surgery, where the scars or skin excess are moved to the lateral region of the chest. It lasts 3-4 hours, it is done under general anesthesia, it requires a recovery period of 2 weeks initially.



Thin bodies or cases when Lipoinjection is not the procedure of choice, silicone buttock implants can be chosen which gives a very tense and pleasant look to the gluteal region as long as they are performed by a suitable surgeon. It is a procedure that has been questioned by some people because gluteal deformities caused by injection of biopolymers have been confused with gluteal augmentation surgery with implants, which has nothing to do with biopolymers. In short, it is a nice and safe surgery. Duration in operating time of 2 hours, is done under general anesthesia; initial recovery time is 2 weeks.


Calf implants are silicone-based implants that are surgically inserted into the patients calves who can't improve it by only working out when the area lack of muscular mass, shapeliness and definition. The surgery lasts 2 hours, is done under general anesthesia, requires an initial recovery period of 2 weeks.



NYMPHOPLASTY (Vaginal rejuvenation)

Due to pregnancy and genetics, the appearance of the female external genitalia may change. Through different techniques can reduce the size of the labia minora, correct any major asymmetry, and if necessary, reduce anterior extensions on either side of the clitoris. It is a procedure that lasts 2 hours, it is done under general anesthesia. Requires an initial recovery of 1 week.

- Congenital anomalies
- Trauma
- Reconstruction


Body Procedures

© 2020  Federico Ramírez MD

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